Channel: mindmender – SoulSolutionsCentral
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America has once again suffered a horrific slaughter of innocent, God-loving people in Charleston, SC at a church gathering because of a psychopathic, evil, race-hating 21-year-old who decided that the “Blacks are taking over America” and wanted to do something about it. Twenty-one years old, and evil as the devil’s desire!
What does our President do? Blames gun-control. What REALLY HAPPENED?Socialcide: How America is Loving Itself to Death. Another empty-shell of a Millenial that wants what he wants and could care less about people, right, wrong and morality! Not a shred of empathy or consciousness in him! Not even a speck of Spirituality which most, if not all, Millenials are missing!
Many will claim he is “mentally ill.” I doubt it. He is Socially Ill or Morally Ill, but NOT “Mentally Ill!” Why? Because he planned, calculated and carried out this senseless slaughter with lucidity! The TRUE “mentally ill” would not have such ability.
Now, we are left with a nation of anger, loss of lives for NO REASON and ugliness that will ripple into our communities and thoughts because of this piece of garbage who undoubtedly spent most of his 21 years mesmerized by violent video games, diabolical internet information and some twisted “need” to fit-in where his parents failed to provide!
America, we do not need race-wars! We do not need gun control! We do not need to be divided when psychopaths like him do such disgusting, evil deeds! We DO need to unite, PARENT and be aware of the manipulation of technology and media that spoon-feeds our society into such madness!
This bastard will be held accountable for his deed and should be! However, we will only see more of this corruption and deprivation until we begin to wake up and get back to the basics in humanity and caring for each other that has been taken away from America via technology and lack of family and parenting! Spirituality is ESSENTIAL to HUMAN GROWTH yet we act as if it’s a fairy tale! The truth is EVERY CHILD IS BORN TO BE AND SEEK SPIRITUALITY yet, it’s not being supported BY society or families anymore!!!
America, we most certainly will “Love ourselves to death” if we do not act on this NOW! We cannot afford to lose ONE MORE SINGLE LIFE to a twisted mind being led by evil intentions!
God Bless the victims of the Charleston, SC slaughter and their families and friends! This was truly preventable, but we need to work TOGETHER!

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